Saturday, 7 January 2012

The dirty word.

Feminism. I dare not say it yet there it is. The labels we are given when trying to promote ourselves as independent women who can get on quite well in the world without the support of a man.

The reason I am writing about this topic is because of a conversation I had at work recently (I, amongst other things, work in a bar). Picture this;

My workmate (lets call him Joe) - male - 19 - in a relationship

Joe - I have cheated on my long term girfriend...twice, in the same week!

Me - 'did you tell her'

Joe - Yes. She said she would forgive me because she is a Muslim and since I can't get sex from her, I should get it from somewhere else.

Surely this is wrong? Please don't label me a lesbian for thinking that this woman should have more respect for herself than this??? Wrong!!!

Me - Do you think this is right?

Joe - Well where else will I get it from?

And so this left me wondering. If this misogyny is widespread at the very lowest levels of work (nothing against bar work, its just not for me) then what hope do we women have during business meetings, business transactions and when there is a promotion available.

Is this philosophy that men should do what they please in-built?

Or was this a one off case?

Personally, I believe that it is more widespread. Everywhere I look men are acclaimed for work, and there is no sign of any women behind it. Or, if a woman is acclaimed for a piece of work then it must be announced that SHE IS A WOMAN. And so people wonder how she elevated herself so high.

For example; if you type 'successful women' into Google's search engine the number one result is................................................A DATING WEBSITE -

I mean, this honestly talks about women as though they are a different species....are we? News to me! It goes on to say;

'It's time we men proved that successful women not only have a place in the workforce, they also fit quite nicely in our personal lives too.'   

Well la-de-da. Thanks mankind. So we can be a successful woman AND a housewife. At the same time!!! I was worrying that I had to decide what I want to be. Housewife or business woman? But now you've said I can do both! Drinks on me!

If you didn't notice, that was sarcasm.

My point being that this gender bias is endemic. I am new to business but I feel as though this bias is encountered daily and I do not think it will change until women themselves change. There are Richard Bransons, Steve Jobs and Duncan Bannatynes ten a penny. But where are the Wendy Tan Whites and the Sophie Tranchells?

It has been more than 6 decades since women burnt their bras in protest, but has it really worked?

Are we any further forward?